Tree of Heaven, 2019, book cover with acrylic paint and chiffon, 13 x 11 inches
Sunset, 2017,
glazed ceramic and artificial turf,
56 x 138 x 72 inches
Salt Air, 2018
Horizon 2, 2017
Horizon 10, 2017
Horizon Light, 2017, Plexiglas, nails .5 x 40 x 2 inches
Golden 13, 2017
Horizon 5, 2017
Marmara, 2017
Tilt Toward the Sun, 2018
Resonance: A Community Dance Party
Ask the Sky: Baker Bridge Road
Stay, that’s what I meant to say, 2016, Plexiglas, .5 x 39 x 2 inches
Electric, 2016, vinyl curtain,
curtain: 10 x 17 feet, room size: 10 x 17 x 23.5 feet
What You Dance Like, 2016, vinyl curtain and adhesive vinyl, room size: 9x16x35 feet
The Upper Room, 2016, acrylic paint on Plexiglas, 9 x 33 x .5 inches
Moonage Daydream 1, 2016, acrylic on paper, 26 x 40 inches
At the Silver Lake Lounge,
Sweetheart of the Rodeo, 2016, acrylic paint, vinyl curtain, 18 x 8 x 12 feet
Winter King Hawthorn,
vinyl curtain, voile, stretch fabric, natural light, projected light,
10’ x 45’ x 78’,
site-specific installation: Providence International Arts Festival
Western Sun Meets the Air 2, 2015, Plexiglas and nails, 12″ x 6″ x 1.5″
Western Sun Meets the Air 3
Accumulation, 2015, Plexiglas,chiffon,vinyl, 72 x 40 x, 2 inches
Hey Sunshine, 2015, vinyl curtain, 90 x 250 inches
vinyl curtain
7.5′ x 23′ x 4′,
site-specific installation: Four Corners Art Center, Tiverton, RI
Finch, 2014, vinyl curtain, Plexiglas, 24″ x 7″ x 2″
Against the Velvet of the Long Goodbye, 2013
site-specific installation
West, 2013
live performance at sunset with musician, guitar and amp
rhythm..distance at the deCordova Biennial, 2013
fabric, frame, original drum recording by Paul Corio
14’ x 9.5’ x 3.5’
installation view: deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum, Lincoln, MA
Velvet, 2013
Laser cut Plexiglas 9″ x 9″ edition of 18
Like a Razor Blade Under the Tongue, 2013,
Plexiglas, vinyl curtain,
12″ x 12″ x 1.5″
So I Built a Raft, 2013
vinyl curtain, tinted light
55″ x 55″ x 55″
It’s Just a Kiss Away, 2013,
Plexiglas, vinyl curtain,
20.5″ x 12″ x 1.5″
Tangerine 2, 2013
acrylic paint on paper
12″ x 12″
Tangerine, 2012
lighting, original guitar composition (by Haber + Randall), Fender Bandmaster amps
site specific performance installation: Old Stone Bank, Providence, RI
BEAT, 2007/2012
acrylic paint, drum kit,live performance with musicians, painted square 8.5′ x 8.5′
dolce, 2012
pigment print on metallic photo paper
16″ x 24″
edition of 17
Flam 3, 2012
anodized aluminum
four panels: each 12″ x 12″
fermata, 2012
Fender grill cloth on stretcher
19″ x 28″ x 2.5″
Measuring a Summer’s Day, 2012
acrylic paint, vinyl curtain, site-specific installation: Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Oaxaca